Renewable Energy provides solutions to unstable oil prices and issues addressed in the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Offshore wind power generation is a new and renewable energy field designed as an alternative to onshore wind power. Offshore resolves issues of onshore wind power like limitations regarding installation sites, noise caused by large turbines, visual objections, technical challenges, and high cost. Nevertheless, it attracts attention in the new energy market because of its large capacity and stable wind.
As a company specializing in new and renewable energy (wind energy), CGO promotes offshore wind technology within Korea and beyond. Continuous research and projects, along with exchanges and partnerships with European offshore wind power companies will strengthen our local offshore wind power business.

CGO is the only company in Korea that has the experience and expertise of constructing commercial offshore wind farms.
Consulting for Wind Power Generator Construction
Jacket and Wind Turbine Construction
Equipment Management and Transporation
Foundation Structure Design, Analysis, Production
Submarine Communication Power Cable Burial, Laying and Installation of Protection
Facility Maintenance

발주자: 대정해상풍력발전(주) 시공사: 주식회사 씨지오 사업기간: 2020년 6월 ~ 2020년 7월 Scope of Work:해상기상탑 철거공사

발주자: 자은주민바람발전(주) 시공사: (주)동국S&C 사업기간: 2019년 5월 Scope of Work: 구내배전 및 송전선로(22.9kV, 154kV) 공사

발주자: 탐라해상풍력발전주식회사 시공사: 두산중공업㈜ 사업기간: 2012년 8월 ~ 2016년 9월 Scope of Work: 풍력발전기 및 하부구조물 설치

발주자: 대정해상풍력발전(주) 시공사: 주식회사 씨지오 사업기간: 2020년 6월 ~ 2020년 7월 Scope of Work:해상기상탑 철거공사